
Nature Boy

Rarely am I inspired to do any type of physical activity. I do enjoy taking Robby out for a little run in the park after work, but all it takes is one miniscule hang up and my running dreams are dashed. I’m talking really little things like: last time I took Robby running he got two bug bites on his face. Or, I have to be home in time to make dinner and get him to bed by the time Megan Wants a Millionaire starts. Or, I got a paper cut at work which may impede my stroller handling ability. On those rare occasions when the stars are aligned, I do take Robby running and we really enjoy ourselves. Or rather, he enjoys throwing his sippy cup overboard and watching me struggle to bend down and pick it up while maintaining my little-faster-than-a-walk pace.

A few weeks ago Jude and I took Robby hiking on the trails of Moreau State Park. The smile plastered on his face for nearly the whole hike is inspiring me to get outside and hit the trails again! Granted he may have been smiling at my renditions of Wheels on the Bus and Old MacDonald, but it seemed that he truly enjoyed himself.

Living close to the Adirondacks is something we often take for granted. Having grown up in Brooklyn, my husband Jude is certainly no Eagle Scout. He can’t really swim, hadn’t mowed a lawn until age 30, has never been camping, and can barely start a bonfire in our yard! He’s quickly developed an appreciation for the outdoors and has even climbed several high peaks during the past few years. I’d like Robby to have an appreciation for nature too, which means I need to suck it up a little and get him out.

I’m not going to let a few bug bites stop me, Jude and Robby from enjoying nature in our own backyard and beyond.


Anonymous said...

I'll have to check that park out. Great pics!

SaratogaMama said...

Yes, it's beautiful and very close to home! Highly recommended.

Amanda said...

What a beautiful family! Seriously.

Veronika said...

LOL funny article, love it ☺ And great pictures! The nature looks amazing, let's all go hiking soon! I miss going outdoors...