I’ve been busy surfing the internet reading reviews on the best books out there to tame my appetite for child-rearing perfection before the ship leaves and I’m standing on the shore with a screaming toddler throwing toys at my face.
Are tantrums inevitable? Is it possible to say ‘no’ too much? How many times do I have to take that sharp metal object away from Robby until he learns? Is he sticking his hand in the garbage to spite me? When will he stop laughing at me when I try to be firm with him?
Clearly my mind is swimming with questions. I asked my mom about books and she recommended a book from a doctor by the name of Fitzhugh Dodson. The book is mad old but I trust a guy with a name like Fitzhugh. That’s a no nonsense guy.
Another book that was recommended to me is called Einstein Never Used Flashcards. It gets great Amazon reviews, which typically is a good sign.
I am currently trying to make it through Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson’s 1970’s classic and then I’ll choose a more modern selection to round it out. Once I acheive child-rearing perfection, I'll let you all know the secrets. In the meantime, I'll do the best I can with my limited knowledge and hope that motherly instinct will kick in and take over!
I kind of liked flashcards as a child... granted I'm no Einstein!