Goodbye’s are getting harder. When Robby was just a little baby, I would plop him down on the Boppy pillow near the other babies. He sat there like a bump on a boppy, half conscious and seemingly happy to be anywhere but his car seat. Now I set him down and walk to the door. Within seconds he’s zooming across the room, butt wiggling fast and furiously behind him to crawl at my feet. The kiss of death is picking him up and I’m a martyr for it. We play this game at least once until I finally kiss him and make the walk of shame to my car only to take the drive of despair to work.
OK, I’m being WAY dramatic because the truth is I do like my job and I feel that Robby is in good hands at daycare. Despite, they are not MY hands and I would love to spend the day kissing him (shock free).
And now for a completely unrelated but cute photo taken this weekend. Don't babies look cool in blazers? According to Jude, Robby has a 'swagger'. I have to agree!